What Is a Compliance Framework?

What Is a Compliance Framework?

A compliance framework is a system of requirements and procedures that an organisation needs to follow in order to stay in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This framework helps to ensure that the organisation is meeting all its compliance obligations and is updated regularly to reflect any changes in legal and regulatory requirements.

A compliance framework facilitates the organisation of a variety of documents into one comprehensive system. The framework can help to organise policy manuals, procedure descriptions, mission statements, regulatory mandates, and control documentation into one unified structure. This helps to create order when facing the multitude of regulatory mandates that organisations must abide by. A compliance framework also provides a method for quickly and easily integrating new requirements into the existing system.

Compliance frameworks are designed to be tailored to a variety of issues. Each framework is intended to provide guidance for a specific issue, such as anti-bribery compliance, data privacy compliance, or anti-discrimination compliance. Your compliance program could use these frameworks to assess its progress on all of these concerns, thus ensuring that the necessary steps are being taken.

Here, we’re sharing a quick guide to compliance frameworks:

Why Is There a Need for Compliance Frameworks?

In today’s increasingly regulated business environment, compliance frameworks are essential for companies to remain compliant with various laws and regulations. Compliance frameworks are designed to ensure that organisations adhere to applicable laws and regulations and to promote ethical behaviour. Compliance frameworks provide organisations with the necessary tools and procedures to comply with established laws and regulations, as well as to detect and prevent violations.

The need for compliance frameworks is increasing as organisations face an ever-growing number of laws and regulations. As regulatory authorities become more stringent in their enforcement of laws, organisations must be able to demonstrate compliance to avoid costly fines and penalties. Compliance frameworks provide organisations with a structured approach to ensure they are meeting all applicable laws and regulations.

In addition to ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, compliance frameworks also provide organisations with guidance on ethical behaviour. By implementing a robust compliance framework, organisations can ensure their employees are adhering to ethical standards and acting in the best interest of the company. Compliance frameworks also provide organisations with a framework to monitor and enforce ethical behaviour.

How to Implement a Compliance Framework

In order to set up a compliance framework, you must first find a suitable framework that your organisation can use. Then, compare what the framework requires with what your company is currently doing. Once you have identified the areas where your company is not compliant, you must work to fill in those gaps and bring your practices up to the requirements of the framework.

That said, it’s not as easy as that might sound to you. For instance, consider this example from the anti-bribery industry.

Once you have identified a proper anti-bribery framework, you should then set about implementing it. This could involve developing a policy, training personnel, conducting risk assessments, and so forth. It is essential that the framework is tailored to your business, so you should consider all the dimensions of your organisation when implementing it. Additionally, you should have periodic reviews to ensure the framework is working as intended and remains up to date.

Next is gap analysis. Gap analysis is a process of comparing the needed requirements of a framework with what your compliance program has already achieved. This helps to identify any areas where your program is lacking and needs to be improved or developed.

In order to comply with the compliance framework, it is necessary for a company to have an official anti-bribery policy that outlines what is considered bribery and what is prohibited. Additionally, procedures must be established to help remind employees of the policy and to ensure that they are following it. Furthermore, there should be controls in place to prevent employees from attempting to bypass the policy and procedures. All of these components are essential to creating a robust compliance framework.


Implementing a compliance framework is important for organisations to ensure that they are meeting their legal obligations and avoiding costly penalties and fines. Compliance with laws and regulations can also help protect the organisation from potential legal liability. Additionally, having a compliance framework in place can help to ensure that the organisation is operating in an ethical and responsible manner.

Briefed is a firm that provides support to businesses to ensure they comply with existing regulations and laws. Our barristers are highly experienced in helping companies stay compliant and achieve their business objectives. We provide guidance and support in all areas of regulation, including compliance frameworks. Contact us to find out how we can help!

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